Between Guidelines and Gases: A Multicenter Evaluation of the Methodology, Diagnostic Accuracy and Quality of Hydrogen and Methane Breath Test in Argentina


  • Sofía Hospital Alemán, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
  • Lisandro Pereyra Hospital Alemán, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
  • Juan Pablo Stefanolo Fundación Favaloro, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
  • Leandro Steinberg Hospital General de Agudos Carlos G. Durand, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
  • Federico Bentolila Hospital Alemán, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
  • Sergio Barril Cmic Salud Neuquén.
  • Julieta Alonso Instituto de Gastroenterología de Tucumán.
  • Andrés Palazzo Instituto de Gastroenterología de Tucumán.
  • Abel Novillo Sanatorio 9 de Julio, Tucumán.
  • Nicolas Rovati Sanatorio 9 de Julio, Tucumán.
  • Vivian Vizcay Centro gastroenterología privado Puerto Madryn. Chubut.
  • Federico Meuli Centro Andrés Vesalio, Santa Fe.
  • Deborah Balfour Clínica HIGEA, Mendoza.
  • Guillermo Alonso Centro médico ambulatorio Nodus Santa Rosa, La Pampa.



Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, breath test, diagnostic methodology, guideline adherence, report quality


Introduction. The breath test is currently the most widely used tool for diagnosing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. The rising prevalence of this condition has led to increased test utilization. However, concerns remain regarding its implementation, including adherence to international guidelines related to methodology, diagnostic interpretation, and report quality.

Aim. To assess the methodology, report quality, and
diagnostic accuracy of breath tests for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in Argentina, based on international guidelines.

Material and methods. A multicenter observational study included 210 breath test reports from 8 centers across different geographic regions of Argentina. The methodology used for test performance and report quality was evaluated based on 13 predefined criteria. Additionally, the concordance between the diagnoses reported by centers and those determined by an expert based on international guidelines was analyzed.

Results. Significant heterogeneity in methodology and low adherence to international guidelines were observed. Among the studies, 89% measured only H2, while 11% included CH4. Combined sampling intervals were used in 53%, and only 19% reached 180 minutes, with nearly 20% classified as incomplete: only 10% specified diagnostic thresholds, and just 4% aligned with current guidelines. Diagnostic concordance was 87% for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and 73% for intestinal methanogen overgrowth, with an average of 5 out of 13 quality criteria met.

Conclusions. This study underscores the need to standardize BT methodology and enhance adherence to international guidelines. Efforts should focus on improving report quality, unifying methodology, and increasing diagnostic accuracy for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in Argentina.


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How to Cite

Sofía, Pereyra, L., Stefanolo, J. P., Steinberg, L., Bentolila, F., Barril, S., Alonso, J., Palazzo, A., Novillo, A., Rovati, N., Vizcay, V., Meuli, F., Balfour, D., & Alonso, G. (2024). Between Guidelines and Gases: A Multicenter Evaluation of the Methodology, Diagnostic Accuracy and Quality of Hydrogen and Methane Breath Test in Argentina. Acta Gastroenterológica Latinoamericana, 54(4), 327–335.